The Other Woman: Can she be blamed alone?


Being a woman is both blessing and curse. It depends on which family you were born to, the environment, and the choice you make. As you will grow a lady or a woman, there are more do’s and don’t’s. But, it is strange how it does not apply to men. What happens in our life is actually our fate and actions and our actions depend upon our condition and circumstance. For instance, if I am born to a poor family and I need to feed my family of seven people alone, will I not be a cabaret dancer? In that case, my compulsion will overlap my shame…

Woman can be mothers-whom people give utmost respect, and a prostitute too, whom people deny to respect. A thin line of rule can give you a completely different label. So, its mandatory to take right step. 
However, one image the society gives you a red flag for is being ‘ the other women’. She is also called home-breaker. Suddenly, the under-20 aged receptionist at the office of this 50-year old man is noticed for her golden shining hair color. Oh hey, she just had an amazing haircut too. She is accompanying her boss to hotels, spas, fancy restaurants and being pampered. But, it’s not voiced out loud, it’s rather whispered by the surrounding people. She is growing more beautiful and blunt-mouthed. Its woman who has judged, not the man. But, she ignores.
Gradually, when she comes to her senses, she realizes it was a wrong thing to do. But, she is already used to with the material possession, promised by the man. She even starts to hate her boss’s wife secretly. She compares herself with his wife. The wife is much older and wrinkled face, with loose body, visible eye-bags and on a heavier side. The young lady calls her ‘mam’, but dislikes her giving surprise visits at her man’s office . Still, the man takes his wife alongside him while attending parties, events. She is given the identity of his woman by the society. 
The man admires the young lady for her slim figure inside four walls but cannot promise to take her to his home. After several years, the lady wants to be with the old man as there’s none of her body parts unfamiliar to him. She is in love now. 
Now, this wife, who has given birth to his babies, raised them well, is well-aware of her husband’s action. The much-older and mature woman often finds her other side of the bed usually cold and gloomy. He even forgets to come home some days. Why isn’t she calling for divorce? Because her identity is nothing but a wife of the man? After almost two decades of tying the nuptial knot with him, all she could be was a part-time cleaner and a gate-keeper of his home. Separating from him still is a nightmare for her. What will the children think? And secretly, she somewhat wishes to be the so-called bimbo, who is instead spending time with the husband more than her. At least she is getting attention. 
The girl starts to pressurize man to divorce his wife and marry her. But the man prefers the existing state. He is scared if the people will laugh and criticize him for his private action. The reality is she is never replacing the wife with his babies, who took care of them, looked after his home, attended his guests and fed them. The man will eventually go back to the wife. The other woman, by now, comes to realize she was not his love, but a pastime doll. No matter how much the man prefers her company, he’ll never overlook his children, home, parents, their choice and finally bid god bye to the ‘other woman’. 
So, the short-lived attention that she got due to her age and physical appearance separates her from the rest of the women in the society. The whispered backbiting gets louder by the day, making her head down passing by anyone she knows. Thus, the wrong choice cursed her for being a woman while the man is never criticized. He will in fact continue to be husband to his wife, father to his children and boss to probably a new girl in town.