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Seven MPs nominated to chair HoR session

House of Representatives Meeting held on January 9 nominates 7 MPs to chair a parliament meeting in the absence of Speaker. 

Mid-West University and Malaysian University reach agreement

A two-sided arrangement has been reached between Mid-West University and Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia, for an instructive coordinated effort.

Works at Sudurpaschim University affected for two months

It has been two months since work at the central office of Sudurpaschim University came to a halt following padlocking by the agitating student organizations.

Paragliding begins in Surkhet

With the target to promote adventure tourism, Karnali Province has launched Paragliding inside Surkhet Valley.

South Korea’s online shopping hits record high in 2021

South Korea's online shopping hit a new record high last year as the COVID-19 pandemic raised the demand for online service.

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