As the winter season blankets the world in a serene hush, people from diverse cultures and backgrounds come together to celebrate Christmas, a festival...
In a heartwarming celebration of resilience and empowerment, the organization "Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra" hosted a book launching program in the afternoon of December 13, 2023.
In a spectacular clash of emotions and intensity, the highly-anticipated "Animal" roars into theaters on December 1, 2023, offering audiences a gripping tale of family, violence, and redemption.
Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) has urged investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore and invest in Nepal's...
The parents of Bipin Joshi, one of the Nepali students held captive by Hamas militants in the aftermath of the October 7 attack in southern Israel, are enduring 52 days of profound anxiety as they await news of their son's well-being.
In this article, we delve into the nitty-gritty of intermittent fasting, exploring both expert perspectives and real-life testimonials to shed light on its potential effectiveness.
The Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) has taken a stern stance on the government's decision to ban the popular social media app TikTok and has directed internet service providers (ISPs) to confirm whether they have enforced the ban.
A dire situation has unfolded across Europe, with the European Union (EU) Environment Agency sounding the alarm in its recent report. Air pollution, now...