“Game Changer,” directed by Shankar and starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, is a visual extravaganza that attempts to delve deep into the labyrinth of...
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has extended congratulations to the recently announced winner of Nepal Idol season 5 Karan Pariyar.
Pariyar was invited to the Prime Minister's official Residence in Baluwatar...
Nepal mourns the loss of a true musical virtuoso, Bhaktaraj Acharya, whose melodious voice has stirred the hearts of millions for decades. Renowned as...
As the acclaimed actor recently celebrated his 60th birthday on December 18th, it's impossible not to reflect on the illustrious career and magnetic charm that have made him a cinematic icon.
Dunki, the 2023 Bollywood release, directed and edited by the maestro Rajkumar Hirani, is a rollercoaster of emotions, humor, and a social message that...