Missing the Chocolate Truffle from French Bakery? Lets make it home!


Before this tragic pandemic happened in all our lives, there used to be a time when this absolutely delicious dessert was entertaining our sweet tooth.

Photo courtesy: Facebook

A piece of dessert, that made headlines with its rich ingredients and drooling look over Instagram and Facebook of most of the celebrities and youngsters then is this wonderful looking Chocolate Truffle.

A spoon full of melting chocolate with a further thick-textured core of brownie, bounded by beautifully fenced crusts of butter cookies is so tempting that you cannot resist it once your spoon breaks the crust and the chocolate filling overflows out of the crust. The mix of crusts and the filling once you take it inside your mouth gives you content, fulfilling, and accomplished feel. Chef at French Bakery Buddha Narayan Shrestha, who one can say has actually patented the recipe of this irresistibly mouth-watering ensemble of art, food fetish and evolution in the bakery world says, “I wanted to create a different, yet beautiful piece of art in desserts. Then, I found a way to bring it into existence out of my imagination.” He further says, “This is the flagship item of our bakery at present. Apart from other purely vegan bread, staggered sandwiches, this item always finds a space in order lists once people stop by”. 

As Chef Shrestha had also shared a brief recipe, anyone interested to make it at home can try this:

Chocolate Truffle


For crust
Almond flour
Fine sugar

For Ganache
Dark chocolate
Heavy cream
Hazelnut syrup


  • Make a little solidified crust by pouring the ingredients in the cylindrical vessel
  • Turn it into the shape of the utensil
  • Then slowly pour the thick creamy dark chocolate into the crust along with small pieces of almonds, nuts, coconuts
  • Also pour the heavy cream to give it a thick texture. Knead it well and slow
  • Then put the small rumball of brownie into the thick chocolate
  • Finally, garnish it with chocolate pretzels, chips or small multi-colored candies on top