Film Board calls for submitting screenplays for Story Bank; To co-invest on the best ones

Nepal Film Development Board

Nepal Film Development Board has called for submitting stories and screenplays for its story bank within the next 60 days. The Board has issued a notice on Monday stating that it will select and co-produce the best stories and screenplays to encourage original, historical, realistic, artistic storytelling, and social, cultural and message-based films.

Last year, the Film Board had established the story bank with the aim to encourage the production of original, historical, realistic and artistic plots and had also appropriated budget from the last fiscal year for the same. However now, the Government is going to co-invest the films/ short films through the Board by selecting the best ones collected in the Story Bank.

The Board’s notice also mentioned that the writers will be given necessary expertise in story and screenwriting through the Story Bank. The films will also be sent to international awards and festivals.

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