Kathmandu, Jan 15 – Renowned filmmaker Tulsi Ghimire has announced his upcoming movie Pahad on the occasion of Maghe Sankranti. The movie will be both written and directed by Ghimire.
The storyline revolves around the social and economic challenges caused by youth migration to foreign countries, leaving the hills abandoned. Director Ghimire expressed his intent to portray the harsh realities of contemporary society through this film.
He stated, “The movie encapsulates the story of the high hills left uninhabited. It highlights our responsibilities and the nation’s needs. We will commence shooting this January.”
Produced by Ojaswi KC, the movie will feature cinematography by Pramod Pradhan. The cast includes Bipin Karki, Arun Kshetri, Panchami Ghimire, Madan Krishna Shrestha, and Sunil Thapa, among others.