Digital Karnali Conclave to Pave the Way for Technological Advancement

Digital Conclave

Birendranagar Surkhet, the bustling capital of Karnali province, is set to host the much-anticipated Digital Karnali Conclave, commencing this Friday.

A collaborative effort between the Karnali Province Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law and ICT Foundation Nepal, the conference aims to delineate a comprehensive digital roadmap for the region.

In a press briefing held on Wednesday, Minister for Internal Affairs Krishna Bahadur GC underscored the significance of the conclave, stating its primary objective as formulating strategic policies across various sectors including communications, agriculture, tourism, education, health, hydropower, governance, disaster management, economy, leadership, startups, and entrepreneurship.

“The conclave will serve as a platform for high-level discussions on policy priorities, infrastructure development, and initiatives to seamlessly integrate digital technology into provincial and local governance,” Minister GC affirmed. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of enhancing digital leadership and administrative efficiency within the civil service.

The ICT Foundation Nepal, as part of its role, will compile recommendations stemming from the conference into a comprehensive report for policy reform initiatives.

Rajan Lamsal, President of ICT Foundation Nepal, emphasized the pivotal role of the technology conference in fostering digital policy and leadership, nurturing human capital, bolstering the ICT and data industry, fortifying digital infrastructure, and ensuring security.

Scheduled over two days from March 1-2, the conference will feature four keynote addresses and six panel sessions. Noteworthy sessions include a discourse on the strategic thinking and leadership of Karnali by former chief ministers Mahendra Bahadur Shahi and Jeevan Bahadur Shahi, along with a keynote presentation titled ‘Solutions for Digital Transformation and Ecosystem’ by Manohar Kumar Bhattarai, specifically tailored for Karnali’s context.

Over 40 stakeholders and experts are slated to participate as speakers, engaging with approximately 400 attendees hailing from federal, provincial, and local levels.

The Digital Karnali Conclave is poised to be a catalyst for technological advancement, steering Karnali towards a digitally empowered future.”