20 Bird Species Spotted in Banke

close up photo of blue bird perched on branch
Photo by Andrew Mckie on Pexels.com

A recent survey and count of aquatic birds in Banke have recorded 20 different species. These birds were observed in areas along the Rapti River, from Kusum to Sikta, as well as in various lakes and rivers within the district.

According to bird expert Ram Shahi, the species include waterfowl like Northern Pintails, and migratory birds returning to Nepal from Siberia and Russia. He noted that pollution in lakes and ponds has reduced the birds’ habitats, further exacerbated by noise pollution from picnic spots near water bodies. Species such as the Ruddy Shelduck and Northern Shoveler were identified during the survey.

A survey conducted by the Banke National Park and its buffer zone communities revealed a total of 276 bird species in the region.

Mandeep Pageni, Information Officer of Banke National Park, stated that the two-day survey led by bird expert Joshi identified these bird species around the Rapti River, local forests, Kanti Lake, and Sutaiya Lake, where habitats were found to be secure. He expressed hope that the annual bird survey would contribute to better habitat management. A similar survey has also been completed in Bardiya.

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